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Practically Shooting

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Purchased a bottom release mag model savage about 3 years ago for under$4oo dollars. removed the cheap scope and mounts. mounted a LEUPOLD VXII with leupold rings and bases.its accounted for several big blackbear( we make alpine bear pepperoni). this past week a moose from central B.C. the odd soft factory recoil pad really absorbes recoil. i shoot 220gr. hornady rn and 200 gr. speer psp. not premium projectiles, but bullets that have worked for me in various rifles for over 50 years. rifle is well made .so good that i sold my 1964 model 70 in '06 because i found it actually produced more felt recoil. recoil undoubtibly caused by the poorly designrd stock. recommend the rifle to anyone .thats the IIIFCXP3 NOT the accu-triger model. TT

  • 11 months later...

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