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Rifle is back!

Shipped out 6-15-12 and returned on 7-6-12; three weeks.

They repaired the extractor and pin with new parts. The bolt group recoil spring is also new (and blue colored instead of the natural silver color previously ... new color to designate a new part design or repair?). I have a buddy with the exact same model, so I'd like to compare mine to his, but he's away on vacation so I'll have to wait until his return to compare/contrast the repair parts.

Seems to function fine, as before the incident.

Really missed this while it was gone. Good to have her home again!

Ater a rocky start to the repair process, it ended very well.


Range report after repairs ...

All is fine. Functioning perfectly as before the incident. Ran a whole bulk box of Federal through it; no issues.

They installed a new recoil spring (light blue rather than the original natural metal spring silver color). And it seems as though they many have replaced the hammer spring as well (also blue colored, but not sure if it's blue colored grease or a very light tint on the spring. As for the extractor itself, I don't have anything yet to compare/contrast it to. I'll have to get my buddy to bring over his original rifle, and we'll look them over side-by-side.

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