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Practically Shooting

My Dillon 550B's 20th Birthday

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We were talking a while ago, and a trip I took to Phoenix in 1992 came up, which made me realize I'd had my Dillon 550B for 20 years last month.

I was there for some work-related training, and naturally made the effort to go see Dillon's place. I went there to look around and maybe get some .30 Carbine dies. They had some presses set up in the showroom to play with, and of course I had to do that. I bought a 550B on the spot and had it sent home.

Since then I have no idea how much ammo it's loaded. I've had the screw threads strip out from use on a couple of pieces, but they were true to Dillon and sent new parts right away. One such part was relatively small, but they sent the entire assembly so I wouldn't have to swap parts over even though I was willing.

My favorite Dillon story:

I've told it here before, but here it is again. After one of my moves, I was missing a part. I don't remember now what it was. I called to buy more. The guy on the phone was wrapping up the order and said:

"You said you broke these right?"

"No, I lost them."

"You said you broke these, right?"

"No, I...Oh...Yes, I broke them."

"We'll get 'em right out."

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Wow! There are people here!

I think my Rockchucker will be 31 (maybe 32) next month. When I got it, I had to make a choice between buying the RC then and having to get the other stuff later, or buying the cheaper Reloader Special and being able to get the Ammo Crafter accessory set at the same time. Nothing wrong with the RS, but I'm glad I went with the Rockchucker.

I posted about my Dillon's birthday and the lost/broke parts story elsewhere. Someone posted a Dillon story I like better. I think he said it wa in a Blue Press sometime:

Mike Dillon was flying across the desert in his helicopter, when he realized he didn't recognize any landmarks. He was afraid he was lost. He spotted aranchg house and landed nearby. He was met by the rancher with a rifle.

After introductions, the rancher said he had recently got a Dillon press.

Without missing a beat, Mike Dillon said "Yeah I know, that's why I'm here. I wanted to see how it was doing for you."

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